Good topic! A couple things come to mind.
Good items:
A lightweight candle lantern is a nice luxury. We enjoyed using one, even though we minimize on gear. It was fairly reliable and easy to use.
The Ultimate Food Pack has held up well for several trips and much abuse.
Not-so-good items:
The blue plastic tarps are noisy and not durable. Also, they are a bit heavier than nylon.
Filters/Purifiers are a real pain. I wonder how many of these things get tossed into the campfire!
As you can tell, we aren't big gear buyers. We focus on the basics. Perhaps SIMPLICITY is one of the best recommendations we have to offer. Don't leave home without it!
Posted by Carl Roberts on July 11, 2001 at 13:49
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In reply to: Recommendations... posted by db on July 06, 2001 at 18:31