Re: Young kids

I took my younger brother a few years ago. He was almost 10 though. But he got board around camp in the eveings. I would send him on a scavenger hunt. Made him a list of things I knew he could find( flat rocks for skiping, pinecones, any trash that he could find around camp). Plus he gathered all the firewood. I also pointed out to him how important the no trace camping we practiced was, you would be amazed at the trash from other people we have packed out.
Another thing which I found the younger one want to help as much as you will let them. I know a guy who use to work with cub scouts. He would teach them how to start a fire and then they would cook there meals.
From the trip with my brother I can tell you keep some surprises in your pack for him. Candy, cards, or even a pencil and paper to write or draw on.
Hope this helps, have a great time.
P.S. you might want to take extra batteries it seems the flashlight get used a lot.

Posted by Greg on October 31, 2001 at 18:08
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In reply to: Young kids posted by Mark on October 31, 2001 at 00:26
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