Re: Quetico day trips

When going on a day trip into any Ontario Park (in the interior), it's $10 per canoe/kayak per day. You can purchase this permit at the Prairie Portage Ranger station. If you plan on staying overnight, that is a different permit, and does require that you fit into the quota system. There are an unlimited number of day passes. Make sure that you do bring your RABC form with you. Most of the rules are the same as in the BW, but there are no marked campsites, or portages, and you can have no bottles, cans, or live bait fish. There are also no motors allowed in quetico.

hope this helps

Posted by EDE on March 19, 2002 at 23:23
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In reply to: Quetico day trips posted by lah on February 24, 2002 at 12:26
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