All the photo stuff I drag along

Obviously what you're doing works. (I should get to 'em soon)

I've been conditioned to take a more "old school purist" approach so what I drag along is very different, although I do take a 75-210 zoom and keep it readily accessible for critters. Unfortunately I'm rarely steady enough when my heart is pounding to ever expect the larger critters to be crisp at 210 anyway :-)

My photo gear varies on my mood and the trip but the core I take on most trips consists of a 17, 24, 35, 50, and the zoom. Add to that 2 35mm bodies (1 manual and 1 auto), a 2 inch stack of filters (mostly neutral density), ~18 rolls of film (+ more packed elsewhere), lens tissue + juice, cat crap (anti-fog - hey that's what it's called) and various other necessities like Advil, a cable release, a short extension tube, small white/foil fill card, car keys... spare camera batteries, spare AAs and a mini-mag, required documents, plastic and cash, compass, a lighter, sharpies, pen, pad-o-paper, a few cc filters... and my map bag is even velcro-ed to the case to keep the sun off.

Believe it or not it all fits in a ~9x12x5 Peil-Case that is at my feet while in the canoe. I've learned to resist the urge to use it to trim the canoe unless absolutely necessary.

There is a lot to be said for a good water-proof point and shoot. I've seem some good digital stuff too.

Simple is always better but it depends on why take anything at all. Ya gotta consider what you hope to do the pics and how picky you are.

Posted by db on August 05, 2002 at 02:51
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In reply to: Photography posted by canoejack on August 01, 2002 at 13:41
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