Cinnamon Bannock Delight
thanks to
Howard Holtman
Recipe Ingredients:
- 1 1/2 cups Enriched white flour or bran flour
- 1 round tsp. Fresh baking powder
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 2 tbs. Brown sugar
- 1 tbs. lard
- 2 rounded tbs. powdered milk
- 2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1 handful raisins
Cooking instructions:
Warm about a cup of water.
Mix 1 tbs.. of lard with brown sugar. Add remaining dry ingredients (but not the raisins) and cut lard /sugar mixture into dry ingredients until no lumps exist. Now add raisins. (Add raisins only after lard and dry materials have been mixed otherwise you will have trouble "cutting" in the lard with the dry materials)
Carefully add a little warm water and mix. Add more water as needed mixing thoroughly after each addition. Do not add too much! Dough is wetter than it appears before being fully mixed. As soon as dough forms a ball stop adding water. Dough should not stick to hands. Form stiffish dough into a ball, and set pot near fire, where dough will stay warm and rise. Allow a full 10 minutes. Do not miss or rush this step.
(Check your fire when you put the dough down to rise,. You will want nothing but coals/embers to cook on, and you will need the embers for about 20 minutes. Put on a couple of small logs at this point and in 10 minutes they should be burnt down to embers)
Remove dough from pot and place into a greased pan. Press dough into frying pan to a maximum depth of 1 inch and cook flat over moderate heat for 8 to 10 minutes a side. (Moderate heat means coals only. If flame touches the pan, bannock will burn) If all previous directions have been followed, bannock will be cooked through in 16 minutes. Sometimes it takes a little longer. To check if done, tap the bannock on each side. It is done when it sounds hollow.
Total time should be 30 to 45 minutes depending on cooking time: 4 minutes to make dough, 10 minutes to rise, 16 minutes to cook.
If you have problems it is because:
1. You added too much water and dough will be wet/spongy inside. Try again adding less water.
2. You did not let the dough rise for at least 10 minutes in a warm place (80 + degrees) and bannock was flat and spongy
3. You cooked it too fast (burned on outside & moist on inside) or over too low a heat (very light brown on outside & moist inside)
But with practice you will make beautiful bannock every time!
This does take practice to get golden brown and cooked all the way
through. Once you get it your group will demand it every day.