Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: The "sandy beach" entrance makes this portage look easy. Almost inviting. We traveled it in June '95 after there had been an early June tornado-type storm and we ended up going over and under many, many trees. The middle of the portage leads you down into a large, ominous cedar swamp. This was very cool - almost like another world. We heard more than one moose bawling or bellowing(?) on each trip through and saw their tracks over ours on the second leg. Landing at Heritage Creek was mucky floating bog and no where to get clean water for quite a ways once your off. After doing Devil's Cascade the previous day, we nicknamed this one Devil's Crotch. Lake after portage: Heritage Creek Known campsites: 2 Lake Description: Heritage Creek led to Heritage Lake where there was two campsites that looked like they hadn't been used yet that year. One had garbage in latrine (peanut butter jar, etc.) and we decided to go on to Lynx Lake. Portage from Heritage Creek into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with |