Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Dale Blount Season/Year: Spring 99 Water Level: average Length: 100 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Steve S.
Portage Description:
Though not that long, this portage has some difficulty. The trail climbs up quickly for 30 feet from Brant Lake at the northwest end. From there is goes down gradually until approximately the middle where there's another very steep climb I'd estimate at 40 to 50 feet. This hill can be muddy when wet. It has some logs laid in across the hillside that help somewhat. From the top of this hill it's gradually down for awhile before bottoming out. There's one more little climb or 15 feet or so before gradually descending to Gotter Lake. As you come off the portage there's a drop to the lake that can be skirted to the north if necessary. The landing here is sand and shallow for 15 feet out from the shore.
Lake after portage: Gotter
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:
Small but interesting looking little lake. The eastern end has standing deadwood and to the north there's a stream that enters. Across on the western side it's rocky and swampy. There are no campsites on this lake.
Portage from Gotter into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with