Flying to Green

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Dale Blount
Season/Year: Spring 99
Water Level: average
Length: 70 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Coming from Gotter, this portage is easily missed as it is tucked into some trees right at the edge of a rock wall not far north from the Gotter entry. Coming this direction, the first part is the toughest. While the portage used to go straight up this cliff, it now winds back along the shore for 50 yards before winding back up the side of the hill. Altogether, you hike up approximately 100 feet before you get to the top. From there you'll flatten out for a bit and then rise gradually some more before starting down. When the trail starts down, it is pretty steep with the entrance onto Green Lake at a lower level than when you started on Flying. While taxing, there is generally good footing through the whole portage. The first climb can be slippery when wet and there is a spring that runs through the first 50 yards from Flying but you can generally walk on the rocks and keep dry unless it's raining hard. I guarantee that you'll think this portage is longer than 70 rods but that's how long it says on the map.

Lake after portage: Green
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:

Green Lake was probably named for the color of the water which is a nice light green. The water is quite deep on the eastern end and you enter off some rocks right into deep water. You have a great view to the north as the land slopes up and the trees are small.

Portage from Green into:

Portage into the Boundary Waters with