Boundary Waters portages Posted by: GeoFisher Season/Year: Summer 00 Water Level: average Length: 100 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: This portage is rocky and flat. There are two areas that were pretty muddy due to the recent rains, but I would think these are high and dry later in the year. We were on the portage in June. A really neat thing about this portage, is about halfway through the portage, you come upon a meadow. It looks like you could see some really cool wildlife in this area. The meadow is also bordered by a small stream. Pretty cool place to take a break if necessary. Lake after portage: Jasper Known campsites: 1 Lake Description: Jasper lake seems to be a really good lake for fishing. We managed to catch good numbers of smallmouth bass in the 5-6 hours we fished it. Look for long sloping points, and submerged islands. These areas seemed to produce the best numbers of fish. The one campsite on the lake looks to be rather good. It is located on the center island of the lake. Although we did not camp here, it looks as if the wind would keep the bugs away. Portage from Jasper into: Ogishkemuncie Return to Ottertrack
Portage into Quetico Park with |