Portage Description:
I made this portage twice and the experiences could not have been more different. In the summer of 1997 we hit this portage during a heavy rain and I swore I'd entered hell. We actually have photographs of our canoe floating on the portage trail. In the summer of 2000, the trail was dry and the portage was not really that big of a deal. It's long at 200 rods, with rather steep inclines at both ends, but the middle portion is relatively flat and firm. Be warned, however, that there is a small but unavoidable low spot in the middle of the portage. Even in the driest weather you'll get muddy here, and in wet weather you'll sink up to your thighs!
Lake after portage: Turtle
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:
Turtle is one of those rare BWCA lakes that is actually silty. It is shallow and weedy throughout. There is an EXCELLENT island campsite in the north east section of the lake, surrounded by blueberries and raspberries with a huge flat tent pad -- one of my favorite campsites in the BWCA. I've also had great luck fishing on Turtle, catching 7 to 10 pound pike with regularity.
Portage from Turtle into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with QuietJourney.com