Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Dan Groebe Season/Year: Summer 98 Water Level: low Length: 190 rods Rating: never again | Additional Perspectives: Ken E. Brown Adam
Portage Description:
This portage crosses over the Misquah hills. The path is narrow and the footing very is poor (lots of rocks and downed trees crossing the trail). The path leads up about 200 ft from Little Trout and then down again 200 ft to Misquah. After the portage we grabbed the first available campsite on Misquah to recover. I'd take a 500 rod flat portage over this one any day. At least it was dry!!
Lake after portage: Little Trout
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:
The single campsite on Misquah is very nice. If I remember it correctly there is room for two tents near the firepit and another up a small hill. Wonderful view of the Misquah hills and cliffs.
Portage from Little Trout into:
Return to Misquah
Portage into the Boundary Waters with