Cap to Roe

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Tom Kendall
Season/Year: Summer 01
Water Level: low
Length: 40 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
The maps & guidebooks show this as a 140 rod portage. Don't believe it. From cap to a put-in on Roe creek is a good, almost level 40 rod trail. Beyond the put-in the trail disappears among wandering moose tracks. The put-in has deep muck, but by carefully walking on the floating peat beside it you can safely load/unload. A short paddle down the weed-choked creek opens into Roe lake. This portage could be *very* difficult to find coming from Roe! Look for a large hump shaped rock sticking up on the east shore and enter the creek just south of it. Take-out is on the north side.

Lake after portage: Roe
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:

Nasty. The very definition of eutrification. Keep paddling and find something else.

Portage from Roe into:
Return to Cap

Portage into the Boundary Waters with