Carl to Lux

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Brian Johnson
Season/Year: Spring 02
Water Level: low
Length: 15 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
The take-out is easy to negotiate. From there, the trail goes steeply upward and then immediately back down to the shore of Lux Lake. Watch you footing as the coarse gravel tend to roll under your feet. The put-in is also gravel and easy to negotiate.

Lake after portage: Lux
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Lux Lake is 47 acres and 21 feet deep. The water is tannin-stained like the other lakes in this area and it holds a few northerns. We did not look at the campsite on this lake.

Portage from Lux into:

Portage into the Boundary Waters with