Boundary Waters portages Posted by: outdoors van Season/Year: Spring 04 Water Level: average Length: 285 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives: Pax
Portage Description:
The portage trail starts out very easy with a sand/pebble trail. It is a smooth start but does have a few small hills to climb. The biggest drawback to this portage is the length. The bottom or end of the portage trail tends to get very muddy. Gabbro does have a very easy lake entry point.
Lake after portage: Little Gabbro
Known campsites: 5
Lake Description:
Gabbro boasts great fishing opportunities and some awesome scenery. Lake water tends to be a bit cloudy.
Portage from Little Gabbro into:
Kawishiwi River
Entry #31
Return to Entry #33
Portage into the Boundary Waters with