Boundary Waters portages Posted by: bogwalker Season/Year: Spring 03 Water Level: average Length: 300 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Lara Dan
Portage Description:
This is a difficult portage into Rock Island Lake. The first half is easier then the second half. You first paddle an unnamed pond before heading up a winding creek. The creek has a couple of Beaver Dams you can pull over. On the down creek side of the dams the water level is low and may need to be lined. The area is a big swamp/bog and unstable, especially for heavier paddlers. You will get wet and muddy if you get out of the canoe. Once you reach sight of Rock Island Lake you may find paddleable water again in the swamp.
Lake after portage: Rock Island
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:
Rock Island Lake is in the Weasel Lake PMA and thus has no designated campsites. There is an old campsite that many use with the proper PMA designation. It is in the SE bay of Rock Island Lake. The lake is clear and Tannin colored. WE saw a Moose and had some luck catching small Northerns. The campsite is very nice but has no grate or latrine. You must have the PMA designation from the USFS to camp here.
Portage from Rock Island into:
Return to Clearwater
Portage into the Boundary Waters with