Parent to Disappointment

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: KellyG
Season/Year: Summer 04
Water Level: low
Length: 85 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:
Cory B

Portage Description:
Lots of rocks, some grass path, slightly uphill as headed to Disappointment. Nice sheltered bay when arriving at Disappointment. Rocky areas for take out from Parent and put in to Disappointment. Low water means plenty of rocks to avoid if you care about canoe skin.

Lake after portage: Disappointment
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:

All campsites full and then some illegal ones too. Lovely lake with bays and secluded areas to explore. We saw two deer, beaver lodge, plenty of loons including one who accompanied us for quite a while. Some rock bottom, some sandy grassy bays. Enjoyable day paddle.

Portage from Disappointment into:

Portage into the Boundary Waters with