Rose to Rove

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: sonjar9
Season/Year: Fall 05
Water Level: average
Length: 628 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:
Bill Norton
ymca camper

Portage Description:
There are two fairly new beaver dams (all the evergreens in the dam were still green)as of October 2005. They are near the western end of the portage. The ponds were fairly large and about 4 feet deep. we found it was easier to paddle across the ponds as the water was well over the knees on the trail and I like to try to stay dry in October. Once you get past the dams and up the hill to the Daniel's split you have about 291 rods or so of small ups and downs. There are a lot of huge trees blown down but the trail is mostly clear. other than the length of this portage I would call it easy.

Lake after portage: Rove
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:

Very small and shallow. Paddle through the narrow opening to beautiful Watap lake, which also has no campsites.

Portage from Rove into:

Portage into the Boundary Waters with