Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Jim Rees Season/Year: Summer 05 Water Level: average Length: 285 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Loren Johnson
Portage Description:
This was the first major portage for 3 of the 4 in our group. The beginning of the portage from Pine Creek was a bit muddy and the flies were hungry. The climb from the creek was pretty steep but the footing was good. In the middle it was quite boggy for about 30 feet and again about 20 rods from dropping down into Chad. The drop was a series of steps through some larger boulders. The launch area onto Chad was very nice. We stopped at the campsite just to the north of the Chad to Buck portage for a rest. Nice site.
Lake after portage: Chad
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:
Beautiful lake, did not stop to fish...wish we had. When we swam by the campsite the bluegill were biting, toes etc.
Portage from Chad into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with