Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Ekffazr Season/Year: Summer 05 Water Level: average Length: 438 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: This may be a long portage, however, the first third is nice and flat and open (I think the road used to go farther). The second third is a little bit of your standard up and down, and wind around trail, The final third has some steep parts as you head down to the lake, but overall a lot better in person than it looks on the map, and our party of 5 had 3 rookies, none of which could carry a canoe or a food pack, so we two tripped the portage. Lake after portage: Bog Known campsites: 3 Lake Description: We found the Northwest site nearly completely unusable and swampy, not even a spot for one tent let alone 3. We camped in the north central site.....not the best spot ever but I have certainly been in worse. sufficient room for three tents. Never got to see the north east site as it was full while we were there. Portage from Bog into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with |