Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Woodland Season/Year: Spring 07 Water Level: low Length: 376 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: A long mucky portage during a very wet week in late May, 2007. The trail from the river is marked by an old log docking substructure (built by the CCC in the 1930's?). The Beymer book says it's hard to see, but it's actually hard to miss. The trail is very boggy for the first 30 rods or so. I sank up to my knee caps in one section. After that the trail rises and has frequent bog and marsh stretches. Overgrown with foliage. The trail rises gradually from the river, flattens out at the top, and declines gradually to Little Trout Lake. A large tree near Little Trout has to be crawled under (until the portage crews come through.) The takeout at Little Trout is shallow water and weedy. I grade this portage difficult for it's length. Not extremely hilly, though. The bog factor is obnoxious but not difficult. Lake after portage: Little Trout Known campsites: not sure Lake Description: Portage from Little Trout into: Misquah
Portage into the Boundary Waters with |