Isabella River to Bald Eagle Lake

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Lee Hegstrand
Season/Year: Summer 07
Water Level: low
Length: 141 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
This last portage into Bald Eagle Lake traveling west on the Isabella River is an average quarter miler. One warning is that the true beginning of the portage is about 150 feet down stream on the Isabella River PAST the campsite you first see when coming down the river. The portage is on the left.

Lake after portage: Bald Eagle Lake
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:

Bald Eagle Lake is shallow, the deepest part is less than 20 feet. There are numerous marshes around the lake so the lake would be buggier than other lakes. The water is somewhat tannin colored and can clog your filter unless you prefilter. We stayed at the second campsite on the left, going West, which was an above average site. The shoreline of Bald Eagle is rubble and most campsites do not present an easy way to get down to the water.

Portage from Bald Eagle Lake into:

Portage into the Boundary Waters with