Quetico portages Posted by: Royce Creswell Season/Year: Spring 99 Water Level: average Length: 10 rods Rating: easy | Additional Perspectives: Claire Yellowbird
Portage Description:
As you're stroking into the Northwest end of Your, a small stream will be visible in the weedy/cattails shallow area . Do not follow the stream up towards it source but veer to left (south) & look for a small point of land which juts out into the bay. It's mucky so be willing to get in the stuff the last few feet. The noteworthy part of this portage is how much it's changed in but a few yrs. as a result of the incredible dam which beaver erected on Fair. If you're looking for beaver dam photo ops , then you'll be pleased.
Lake after portage: Fair
Known campsites: 3
Lake Description:
Your has at least 3 campsites, the one on the island about 1/3 of the way from the portage being the best. I've never seen a campsite on Fair but there are several on Badwater.
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