Quetico portages Posted by: BK Season/Year: Summer 00 Water Level: average Length: 30 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Ferrell Norman Black
Portage Description:
Extremely steep and (at the top) rocky portage bypasses Louisa Falls. This one is definitely more tricky going down and in wet conditions. There are actually two portages between Agnes and Louisa, each 15-30 rods long. The lower one is the challenging one. The upper segment bypasses some rapids in Louisa Creek and is not difficult. A short (200 yards) paddling section connects the two portages.Louisa Falls itself is gloriously scenic. Take time to bathe in the pool halfway up the falls.
When we visited this area, the Agnes Lake side of the portage was very busy and crowded, while Louisa Lake was deserted.
Lake after portage: Louisa
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:
Louisa and Agnes are both huge lakes with many campsites. Agnes is much the busier lake, especially in the area around the falls.
Portage from Louisa into:
Return to Agnes
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com