Quetico portages Posted by: Duane Season/Year: Spring 01 Water Level: high Length: 28 rods Rating: easy | Additional Perspectives: H. G.
Portage Description:
Fisher and Mackenzie maps incorrectly mark this portage. It originates at the end of a small bay and not on a point as the maps show.
Lake after portage: Heronshaw
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:
Heronshaw is known for Smallmouth Bass, and we caught our fair share. Topographically, it is quite flat in contrast with the hilly terrain east of the Kashipiwi creek. SPECIAL NOTE: when traveling to or from Kawnipi to Cairn, I highly recommend portaging into Heronshaw (Kawnipi to Heronshaw to Cairn or reverse) instead of taking the portages along the Kashipiwi creek, which can be overflowed and somewhat trecherous with high water, and has a longer, hillyer portage than would be encountered taking the Heronshaw route. Campsite: The one we found was rather spartan and en route to the Metacryst Portage on the northwestern shoreline.
Portage from Heronshaw into:
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com