Keats to Baird

Quetico portages
Posted by: Darryl Blazino
Season/Year: Summer 00
Water Level: average
Length: 140 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Starts by heading straight up a tiny waterfall/stream. The top (when you finally get there)is flat but has some deadfall to negotiate. Back down two large hills to finish the last 100 yards in six inch of water. The start of the port is a bit tricky to find (from either end) but is correctly marked on the maps.

Lake after portage: Baird
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:

This sounds bizarre to you I'm sure, but the west arm of Baird is surrounded by large hills and gives you a real spooky feeling when paddling through. You'll know what I mean when you come from moose spotting in the Cutty creek chain.

Portage from Baird into:
Return to Keats

Portage into Quetico Park with