Quetico to Cirrus
western most portage

Quetico portages
Posted by: E. Ruggiero
Season/Year: Summer 01
Water Level: average
Length: 40 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Portage from most westerly bay on Quetico to Cirrus - map not marked as to rods but timing indicates about 40. Starts at sand beach, crosses small marsh that could be bad if higher water; path narrow, but level except for 2 small dips.

Lake after portage: Cirrus
Known campsites: 3
Lake Description:

Clear, long, lots of big rocks, and at least one Gamera sized turtle.

Very nice campsite on point just north of portage end; 2 more campsites across lake from point site - one on island and one on opposite shore (has lots of stone tables and benches)

Portage from Cirrus into:
Unnamed* between Beaverhouse and Cirrus

Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com