Quetico portages Posted by: Wally Walleye Season/Year: Summer 01 Water Level: average Length: 70 rods Rating: easy | Additional Perspectives: Ken Bringe Eric G
Portage Description:
When stepping out of your canoe to start this portage make sure you step on the rock ledge that is about a foot under the water and about 18 inches wide. If you miss the ledge I don't know how deep you will be in the mud. The rest of the portage is a piece of cake. The portage rises to mid point and then descends to a flat rocky shore line. If the water level is high this would be a muddy/rocky shore line and beware of turning an ankle.
Lake after portage: Jasper
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:
Jasper would be a beautiful lake if not for all the dead trees. All the tress within 20 feet of shore are DEAD. We didn't do any fishing. We were just taking a day trip from Saganagons checking out the connecting lakes. This lake does have a very nice camp site on the largest island in the middle of the lake.
Portage from Jasper into:
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com