Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: Short Portage... Easy... Burt end has a steep rock slab that inclines about 30 - 40 degrees downward into Burt Lake... VERY slippery when wet/raining. BE CAREFUL! If you slip, you're in the lake, since the rock face continues downward into the lake with no foothold and landing. When loading the canoe have your partner hold the canoe while you load it. Pick the sure-footed canoeist to haul the pack/equipment down into the canoe. Lake after portage: Burt Known campsites: not sure Lake Description: Burt - large lake, know for great fishing. Pictographs on cliffs on south end of lake at narrows. Portage from Burt into: Paulene (Paulette) Return to Marj
Portage into Quetico Park with |