Kawnipi to Lemay

Quetico portages
Posted by: D Bathel
Season/Year: Summer 02
Water Level: average
Length: 100 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:
Darryl B

Portage Description:
This portage is not marked on the map and it is not maintained by the portage crews. On the Lemay end, it starts at the south end of the west arm of Lemay Lake on the west shore. There is a faint trail that leads to the West and ends in the bay of Kawnipi Lake that leads up to the Cache River. On the Kawnipi side you can find the trail by going as far east as you can just after you enter this bay, maybe a half mile from the main lake. The shoreline there is muskeg, but at the portage is a channel that leads through the muskeg to the shore. I gave the portage a difficult rating because of the many windfalls on the trail and the severe brush overgrowth that cause you to lose the trail or hide obstacles that can cause you to fall. There is also a 50 foot stretch of mucky swamp to negotiate about 25 rods into the portage from Lemay. Even with the difficulties, if you single portage you can save about a half hour by taking this portage over traveling on the creek.

Lake after portage: Lemay
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Remote lake. I suspect that only a few parties a year overnight in Lemay. Good campsite at the point of the peninsula between the two arms of the lake. Several moose in the north end of the lake easily watched from the campsite.

Portage from Lemay into:

Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com