Quetico portages Posted by: Chris Haddox Season/Year: Summer 00 Water Level: high Length: 700 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description:
Long. Been on tougher, shorter ones. Most portages we encountered that summer had been recently cleared. There was ne beaver pond detour about midway (when we reached pond, there were several trails heading several directions and we explored a couple of them. Finally, the detail oriented person in our three person crew, a woman, spied a pink flag directly across from where we first encountered the water). Though the water level in Quetico was high and we'd had plenty of big rain earlier in the week, we hit this portage a few days after any significant rain, so it was pretty dry. I can imagine it is a tough slog when wet. Plenty of stretches appeared to be dry creek beds. There was one hip-sucking stretch of grassy muck that I recall being shortly before an intersection with an old road. This section had no good sidestepping due to plenty of small trees on either side. We started in, decided it must be better bashing through the trees, went there and decided it must be better plowing through the muck, etc.. The entire portage took us about an 1.25 hours... including plenty of gawk time at some of the huge pines along this route (we were on a long, long day trip and were traveling light. With full gear, perhaps a bit more rest time).
Lake after portage: Cache
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:
Nice, round lake. Good clarity, blue/black water. We passed on through and headed down the Cache River back to McKenzie.
Portage from Cache into:
Return to Lindsay
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com