Unnamed* to Other Man |
Quetico portages Posted by: bajaye Season/Year: Summer 03 Water Level: low Length: 39 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives: Kate |
Portage Description:
Normally this would be an average portage, but heavy rains at the end of June made it more than a little difficult. Heading toward Other Man Lake the portage goes up a short but steep hill. Right over the crest of the hill is the problem: the ground there is actually a bog and though logs had been placed there to help with footing the rains and water had rendered them useless. The result was about 200ft of mud, some of it waist deep. The party before us, a group of scouts with heavy canoes, at one point had all three of their canoes stuck in the mud. We essentially "floated" our kevlar across the bog. But getting through with our packs proved quite the challenge. Normally I expect the portage to be muddy but managable, but as of a few days ago it was anything but.
Lake after portage: Other Man
Known campsites: 2
Lake Description:
The island campsite on Other Man is incredible!
Portage from Other Man into:
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com