Quetico portages Posted by: Eric G Season/Year: 03 Water Level: low Length: 24 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description:
This portage is marked as 24 rods, but because of the low water it was closer to 80. The first portion was too shallow to navigate, and the muck made walking quite unpleasant. Your best bet is to start out walking along the stream as far as you possibly can. Load up the canoes (if you have to) and try to paddle the stream as far as you can. Unload here and walk the rest of the way. Once you get out of the wetland area, the portage is easy. But loading and unloading a couple of times on the same portage can get tedious.
Lake after portage: Saganaga ( Below Silver Falls)
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:
This is the small body of water below Silver Falls. You can get a great view of Silver Falls if you paddle to the rapids. Be careful though, the current is swift.
Portage from Saganaga ( Below Silver Falls) into: