Grey to Unnamed*
*between Grey and Dell

Quetico portages
Posted by: TJ
Season/Year: 03
Water Level: average
Length: 48?? rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
The map said this portage was 48 rods, but it seemed longer. I think we were one of the first groups to come through this portage this year Ö the first guy through was basically blazing the trail. Trees were down all over the place and there were many slippery ankle twisting rocks to walk over. A big tree had fallen across the creek that was a treat to get around. At the end of the portage, there was a marshy bog with a stream too small to paddle, so we had to line our canoe through that for a bit before finally getting to paddle. This portage, I thought, was a blast, but itís not for the novice or the faint of heart. Itís a hard portage, but maybe if used more wouldnít have been too bad. I am glad I had the pack and not the canoe on this one.

Lake after portage: Unnamed*
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:

This really wasn't much of a lake at all, just a marshy bog that opened up a little bit between two ends of a creek. It's shaped like a hook.

Portage from Unnamed* into:

Portage into Quetico Park with