Maligne River to Wink

Quetico portages
Posted by: Randy Kuhens
Season/Year: 02
Water Level: average
Length: 100 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
This is a very difficult, challenging and unused portage. The entrance to get to the portage itself is very hard to find. It is a small stream located on the right hand side of Poohbah creek where the creek makes a hard right. Once you arive to the entrance to the portage you must unload and wade through a bog to get to the actual portage. The portage itself is very uneven, overgrown and what I would consider one of the more challenging ones I've been on. It is worth mentioning that the portage(s) from the Maligne to Poohbah creek are not well used and can be moderatly difficult as well. This adds to the difficulty to the entire experience.

Lake after portage: Wink
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Relatively small in size. The water clarity is typical of lakes that are fed by high water or snow melt. Clear to murky. Wink's proximity to Tanner Lake and the Maligne river would suggest that getting there would be an easy trip. I would not recomend day tripping into Wink since the effort to get there and back out is considerable and would leave little time to explore. Wink is a remote and little used lake and trips to this area should be attempted by only seasoned veterans who are comfortable in a isolated wilderness environment.

Portage from Wink into:

Portage into Quetico Park with