Stanton Bay to Nym

Quetico portages
Posted by: Kracker
Season/Year: 98
Water Level: average
Length: thousands and thousands of rods
Rating: never again
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Our group went in Nym Lake to Batchewaung to Pickerel. Batchewaung portage was miserable (along with the weather) and we decided to blaze our own trail back out, up the Nym River which empties into Stanton Bay. Actually, the Nym trickle is more like it! Much of this 'Nym River Adventure' was beautiful, with some neat inter-lakes and some navigable river, but the rest was pulling canoes up riffles and rapids, heaving over beaver dams, trying to find 100 year old portage trails from lake to lake, etc. It was AWESOME! But not for the lighthearted. Requires strong back and stiff upper lip! It took 10 hours of hard work to get to Nym lake; 1 hour of easy paddle to get to take out.

Lake after portage: Nym
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:

Nym can be pretty big water, but is broken up with shore and islands. Awesome put in/take out on old float plane dock.

Portage from Nym into:

Portage into Quetico Park with