Maria to Jesse

Quetico portages
Posted by: BILL KUNTZE
Season/Year: Summer 02
Water Level: unsure
Length: 140 rods
Rating: average
Additional Perspectives:
Darryl Blazino
Bushy Steers
Darryl B
pete k

Portage Description:
A couple mud holes, was easier to detour through the brush along side than to balance over the scattered corduroy. Fairly level.

Lake after portage: Jesse
Known campsites: 4
Lake Description:

This was our first nights destination out of Nym lake. We spent 2 nights. Saw only one other group. Caught walleyes immediately in the narrow east bay of the lake coming off the Maria portage. Caught numerous small walleyes in the shallow water between the islands in the east end of the lake. The western half of the lake rates a 10 for senery and solitude.

Portage from Jesse into:
Return to Maria

Portage into Quetico Park with