Basswood* to Unnamed*
*North Bay
*Between Basswood's North bay and Burke

Quetico portages
Posted by: dentondoc
Season/Year: Spring 04
Water Level: average
Length: 20 rods
Rating: easy
Additional Perspectives:
Eric G

Portage Description:
Coming to this portage from the north, you can easily find the creek that parallels the portage. However, it may not be obvious that you can round a little point and enter the creek to find at least two different points to disembark. The portage itself is rocky, but easily negotiated.

Lake after portage: Unnamed*
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:

This no-name lake between North Bay and Burke is relatively shallow, so you need to check channel depth to avoid bottoming out in a place or two. The bottom is generally sandy, so bottoming out is not a significant problem. (Channels tend to be deeper adjacent to the banks. The end of the lake (to the next portage) is easy to spot because it is adjacent to a small waterfall that is clearly visible from a distance.

Portage from Unnamed* into:

Portage into Quetico Park with