Quetico portages Posted by: Springer Season/Year: Spring 05 Water Level: high Length: 175+ rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: Furball plan_man
Portage Description:
McIntyre Creek starts in the SW bay as a waterfall and rapids. There is a portage trail that apparently runs the length of the creek although it's not marked on maps. It is maintained and marked with blazes and starts about 75 yards east of the falls and a campsite. The portage runs up above the creek on a ridge where the creek narrows and enters a canyon. After the first portage around the picturesque falls and rapids there is a wide stretch ~75 yds long created by a massive beaver dam that you can paddle if you want. Portage around that and there's another short stretch followed by another beaver dam which you can drag a loaded canoe over by getting out of the canoe. The next stretch ends with an impassable rapids as the river enters the "canyon". It is probably a good idea to take the "high road" from here to Robinson--maybe 100 rods unless the water level is high, in which case you can re-enter the creek at some accessible point and drift/drag/wade the rest of the way--the creek bottom is white sand. This is a beautiful little adventure.
Lake after portage: Robinson
Known campsites: 6
Lake Description:
Robinson is a beautiful clear water lake with a white sand bottom, some great campsites, Gardners Mountain and good fishing for all species
Portage from Robinson into:
Return to McIntyre
Nub* *via unnamed
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com