Portage Description:
Long portage with a steep hill at the Iron end, there are 2 places to put in above Curtain Falls one of them is pretty close to the top of the falls so if that make you nervous another 10-15 rods will give you more peace of mind. one thing to be careful of at the iron end. there is a narrow water chute below the portage that looks like you can paddle. you cant!! I watched people flip, it is a deep chute with lots of water and when you run out of steam paddling it turns you sideways and over you go. get out on the right hand bank just below it and rope around it with someone standing on the rock point. no need to even unload your canoe. going downstream is no problem just keep it straight and sail right through.
Lake after portage: Crooked
Known campsites: not sure
Lake Description:
Crooked is a very large lake with potential for large whitecaps with enough wind.
Portage from Crooked into:
Middle Roland
Return to Iron
Little Roland
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com