Quetico portages Posted by: Jim J Solo Season/Year: Spring 05 Water Level: high Length: 320 rods Rating: difficult | Additional Perspectives: tm
Portage Description:
This portage is much more difficult to follow than others I've done in the park. The take out is a little before the river turns to take a southwesterly heading. Look for about a dozen small trees all cutoff about 7 ft. high along the southeast bank of the river, my GPS waypoint recorded N48 29.246, W91 11.000. The first 15 mins. are wet. I was reminded of an old "I Love Lucy" show where she was stomping grapes. I was flopping around trying to keep walking. The mud isn't just deep, but it wants to not let go of your boots. I had to sled my gear behind me in the boat till I reached solid ground. After you reach higher ground it's still difficult. You go back down and walk up a rocky stream, about 5 min., better footing and you get your boots cleaned up. Then there is a section where young trees have been bowed over from the heavy snows and stuck in this position. You'll need to muscle your boat under these trees and spring them back up. The whole time you're doing this keep an eye on where the trail goes, it's really faint. I don't know if I could have followed it when the summer underbrush growth was thick. Finally you'll reach a small pond and on the other side portage into Ferguson Lake. The short portage into Ferguson is behind a bunch of floating grass mats. I was able to sink them enough to pass, by standing on the larger ones till they suspended and pushing the smaller ones away with my paddle. I got to the small pond in about 2 hrs. and it took about another 1/2 hr. to get on Ferguson Lake.
Lake after portage: Ferguson
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:
Second island west of the narrows in the middle of Ferguson had the only campsite I saw.
Portage from Ferguson into:
Return to Cache River
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com