McAlpine to Batchewaung Bay

Quetico portages
Posted by: mk631
Season/Year: Summer 05
Water Level: high
Length: 260 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Yes, I've read Beymer & everyone else's Batch-McAlpine direction comments & everyone thinks this is easy and flat. Well, if you start at McAlpine, you feel like you're climbing for the whole portage. I know it's only 80' total elevation change, but it seems like 200'! Because of problems with our group, I did 3 loads (5 times across), so I think the memory's pretty well burned into my brain.

Lake after portage: Batchewaung Bay
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:

I'd never been into western Batchewaung Bay. It's really nice.

Portage from Batchewaung Bay into:
Return to McAlpine

Portage into Quetico Park with