Quetico portages Posted by: James Janega Season/Year: Summer 05 Water Level: unsure Length: 72 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description:
This goes uphill to Trant, following a drainage that runs northward from Trant down to Hurlburt. I recall the entrance on Hurlburt as easy to find. But there are two portages in close proximity here, and I can't remember whether the trick is to be careful to avoid the more southeasterly--which goes east to an unnamed chain of lakes leading back to northwestern Agnes Lake--or if there's a single portage trail that branches shortly after the takeout. Scout ahead if you can--Trant Lake is southwest, and looks big and winding. The other alternative is a small pond to the east...
Lake after portage: Trant
Known campsites: 1
Lake Description:
I did see a canoeist's desperation campsite, though it would probably seem different to a fisherman. This lake is devoid of people and full of fish. It's a long winding trip through its many bays to find the portage from Trant south to Kahshahpiwi, making Trant the mini-Crooked Lake of the north!
Portage from Trant into:
Portage into Quetico Park with QuietJourney.com