A Through-Paddle from Ely to Atikokan
Rod Franz
Day Five 7/11/02 Day two on the water. (North Bay, South Lake, West Lake, Unnamed Lake, Shade Lake, Dell Lake, Grey Lake, Yum Yum Lake, Kahshahpiwi Lake) This day consists of 9 portages totaling 553 rods and about 9 miles of paddling!! Hard day planned today. Everybody up by 5:00 AM and had breakfast cooked, eaten and cleaned up by 6:30.
The first couple of portages were short (less than 20 rods apiece, and rough but not unusually difficult. The first long portages were 80 rods into unnamed lake and then 100 rods into Grey Lake, where the crew took a break and ate lunch on the water. The 115 rod portage from Grey lake to Yum-Yum Lake was difficult to follow (easy to lose ones way, get lost) and challenging. More overgrown and narrower than typical in some places and waist deep moose muck in others. Some of the moose muck had logs laid over them, but balancing on a shifting log with 80 to 90 pounds on ones back is an interesting experience. In fact, it might be outright amusing, presuming it is someone else you are watching. Mike lost the heel to his boot in the moose muck, and it had to be repaired with duct tape. We are somewhat concerned that it lasts the remainder of the trip--being without shoes in these conditions would not be good.
Rod twisted ankle seriously twice!! early today, and is having difficulty walking.