A Through-Paddle from Ely to Atikokan
Rod Franz
By this time in the trek, the camp shovel has been christened 'Excalibur', and is typically in demand once we are off water and in camp. The process of going to the bathroom, or 'boom-boom' as our crew politely refers to it, makes one appreciate the convenience of porcelain. First, get Excalibur and the 'important papers'. Douse oneself with bug repellent, and then bushwhack 200 plus feet away from the campsite and water. Try to find a location without too many rocks or roots in the vicinity of a tree or rock to lean against. Dig the hole, with appropriate comments about the rocks, roots, and the bugs, which by now have apparently developed a taste for bug repellent. Take care of business, remembering that there are now exposed parts that were not covered with bug repellent, and then replace the earth removed from the hole. Try to make it look as if you were never there. Bushwhack back to camp, assuming you remember which direction it is. If not, shout, and someone will probably hear you. When you get to the campsite, you are leapt upon by one or two other persons, also searching for 'Excalibur', due to the high fiber content of the diry and, we are told, the side effects of iodine used to purify the water. After several days on the trail, you learn to give it to the individual with the highest level of desperation in his voice and eyes.
Like I said, flush porcelain is nice.
The final event of every day was thorns and roses session, when everyone shared what they liked and didn't like about the day, then off to bed to get away from the evening bugs.
In the morning, we were typically rousing at 5:00 or 5:30. It typically gets light about 4:00 AM or so.. Pack personal gear, take the tents down, retrieve bear bags, get water again, prepare breakfast, clean dishes and pack everything. Finish by making the campsite look as if we had never been there. The morning routine would take from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the breakfast menu, and on how focused we were.