A Through-Paddle from Ely to Atikokan
Rod Franz

Everybody is now very tired, and we took a little time to rest once we were on the water and away from the bugs. Only a short paddle through Yum-Yum Lake to the final portage of the day--220 rods. This one is named: Yum-Yum portage. It is tough: narrow, rocky and very hilly with steep up and down slopes, as well as a share of moose muck. At one point the trail goes up a rock face of probably 45 degrees, if not steeper. The only way up was to scramble on hands and knees, and you had to find the footholds to do even that. Single rock steps of 2 feet or more vertical distance are common. About the only way over these is to sit on them, rotate the legs up, and then try to stand on top. We ended up double teaming on the canoes, and pushing and pulling each other up the rock face. We started this portage at about 3:00 and finished at about 6:00. (An average of about 1/4 mile per hour!)

We took a picture at the start of Yum-Yum, and were going to do an 'after' photo, but were to tired to care at that point. Notice the roots and rocks just waiting to reach up and grab a careless foot. I have no doubt that this portage seemed more challenging to us because of our fatigued state. A long day, and not out long enough to have adapted to the conditions yet.

After a brief rest, we paddled until about 6:30, and set camp in Kahshipiwi Lake. Dinner was beef stroganoff with little beef and lots of peas, but not a complaint was heard, and there wasn't anything left, either. We broke out the M&M's we brought for special occasions, and enjoyed those. To bed 9:00 or so, after the daily thorns and roses. Everybody seems to feel good about getting through Yum-Yum. Frank tells us that it is probably the most difficult, if not the longest portage in the Boundary Waters/Quetico Park area. True or not, the guys feel pumped about it, even though exhausted.

**Moose muck defined: It really has nothing to do with moose. It is water, mixed with a share of rotting vegetation to the consistency of sloppy ice cream, with a few chunks added for good measure. Once disturbed, the smell is akin to a bad septic tank, with some rotten eggs thrown in. It is typically the color of road tar, and apparently permanently stains clothing.


Boundary Waters - Quetico Information