BWCA Grills

OK, here's a strange question. I have a nice grove of pines on my property with a clearing in the middle, and in this grove I would like to re-create a Boundary Waters campsite. Over the past ten years, I have been faithfully collecting authentic northwoods granite boulders from the roadsides after each trip and carting them back to Indiana one or two at a time (yes, the springs on my truck are pretty much worn out by now). My wife thinks I'm crazy, and sits in the truck shaking her head as I scramble around looking for the perfect lichen-covered rocks after our yearly trips. But hey - she knew what she was getting into when she married me.

Anyway, here's the problem: I doubt that the Forest Service would prosecute me for stolen rocks, but they may come after me for possession of a fire grate that says "US Forest Service." So, I'm searching for a fire grate that closely resembles the ones used in the BWCA. I can make the angle-iron supports, I just need the cast grate to attach to them. I've contacted the foundary that made the original BWCA grills, and, as I suspected, they told me the forest service forbids them to sell to the public. But at least the guy I talked to got a good laugh and thought it was a good idea. After poking around on the web, I found a company called "Firelite Grills" in Duluth. They make fire rings with detachable grates that are similar, but not quite the same. I may go with one of these, but I thought I would post this first to see if anyone knows of any other avenues to pursue.

So I'll have the fire grill, logs to sit on, granite rocks, and pine needles. And if you think I'm nuts by now, here's where it gets really scary - the next step is to wire some outdoor speakers in the trees so I can broadcast a CD of singing loons. I'll call it the VBWCA - "v" for virtual. If I could just figure out a way to re-create a northwoods lake and stock it with Walleye I'd be in business.

Oh, well - thanks for reading. Does anyone know of where I can track down a fire grate?

Posted by canoejack on September 23, 2002 at 09:52
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