Unnamed* to Wanihigan
*just north of Brule

Boundary Waters portage
Posted by: cmh
Season/Year: Spring 03
Water Level: average
Length: 200 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:
Bill Forsyth

Portage Description:
Take your time and relax on the pond while you can. My maps showed the portage in the east side about half through the lake. We were able to push to the end and cut off about 50 rd of muddy portage. The trail itself was fairly muddy during that time of the year and it seemed quite long for a flat portage. I would imagine in average to low water it would dry up, but then you can't paddle the entire length of the pond.

Lake after portage: Wanihigan
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:

Wani. is a nice clear lake with a great shoreline. A wonderful lake to sprawl out in the canoe and take a nap.

Portage from Wanihigan into:

Paddle back Paddle Up