Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Bob Barratt Season/Year: Summer 00 Water Level: low Length: 105 rods Rating: easy | Additional Perspectives: Skinny Shaw bajaye
Portage Description:
I recommend bypassing this portage by paddling the connecting channel. It is usually doable except in very high water years. 3 small sets of rapids are encountered though the only really noticeable one is the last where the water flows through a barely canoe width constriction. Two moderately strong paddlers in coordination will make it in a couple of minutes.The portage is not bad but paddling past it is even better.
Lake after portage: Alpine
Known campsites: 8+
Lake Description:
Not known to me, I paddled on headed to Kekakabic
Portage from Alpine into:
Return to Seagull
Portage into the Boundary Waters with