Boundary Waters portages Posted by: Spido Pete Season/Year: Fall 01 Water Level: high Length: 166 rods Rating: average | Additional Perspectives: Eric Schneider
Portage Description:
Took Moose River off Moose Loop (Echo Tr.) to Big Moose Lake. Water high in river, would not want to do this if the river was low. Portages to Big Moose: 1st 166 fairly easy but generally uphill. Across some nice ledgerock. The 60 rods directly into lake considered easy.
Lake after portage: Big Moose
Known campsites: 5
Lake Description:
Large shallow lake with some small walleye and smallmouth. Difficult to fish in the wind. Very rocky.
Portage from Big Moose into:
Portage into the Boundary Waters with