Kawishiwi River* to Kawishiwi River*
*(Lake One to Farm Part #3)

Boundary Waters portages
Posted by: Jim DeVries
Season/Year: Summer 02
Water Level: low
Length: 60 rods
Rating: difficult
Additional Perspectives:

Portage Description:
Right after the landing you head straight up a rock face. Little good footing and a tree at the top to bang the canoe on. Once to the top, the portage is rocky and heads back down hill slightly. Landing on the west side is very rocky, very little room for more than one canoe at a time.

Lake after portage: Kawishiwi River*
Known campsites: None at all
Lake Description:

Just a small lake, next portage is only about 2 minutes further west. The rapids back around to the north east are pretty nice to look at.

Portage from Kawishiwi River* into:
Kawishiwi River* *(Lake One to Farm Part #3)
Kawishiwi River* *(Lake One to Farm Part #4)
North Kawishiwi River* *(Lake One to Farm Part #5)

Portage into the Boundary Waters with QuietJourney.com